Young Guns scene

Director: Christopher Cain
Writer: John Fusco
Production Company: Morgan Creek Entertainment
Release Date: August 12, 1988
Filmed on Location: Los Cerrillos, New Mexico
Length: 1 hour and forty-seven minutes

The blockbuster hit, Young Guns, confidently stormed into theaters on August 12, 1988. Although the film took some creative liberties in its portrayal of Billy’s historic timeline, it still managed to stand out amongst its peers. The brilliant direction of Christopher Cain and the support of Morgan Creek Productions contributed to the film’s massive success, grossing an impressive 45.7 million dollars in North America, and an additional 11 million internationally. It quickly became a fan favorite and was made accessible to even more viewers with its VHS release on January 4, 1989. Young Guns’ impact on the Billy the Kid genre cannot be understated, solidifying its place in cinematic history.
The movie Young Guns was filmed in Cerrillos, New Mexico in the late 1980s. The Hells Angels biker club was hired for security and crowd control on days when the star-studded cast drew large audiences. The Hells Angels also played a role in the movie as the men present at Henry Hills’ demise. Although Sean Penn was originally selected to play Billy the Kid, he was unable to accept the role due to having been in jail for reckless driving and assault while on probation for assaulting a man over his girlfriend Madonna. Patrick Swayze was initially considered for the role of Richard Brewer, but declined, and the roles ultimately went to brothers Emilio Estevez and Charlie Sheen.

During the filming, Emilio Estevez was reportedly going through a tough time after being dumped by his girlfriend, so co-star Lou Diamond Phillips sent him a funny surprise in the form of a sheep dressed up in clothing and makeup. Lastly, Kiefer Sutherland’s stunt double had to be used in one scene after Sutherland’s absence due to the birth of his child.
Young Guns is a classic western film that portrays the rise of Billy the Kid in Lincoln County, New Mexico. As the story unfolds, Billy finally finds stability, but his world is disrupted when his employer is murdered, sparking a clash between two business factions, leading to a dangerous merchants’ war in a town that can only accommodate one faction. In the midst of these perilous times, Billy takes charge of his co-workers and leads them through several battles, ultimately winning The Lincoln County War when Murphy is shot and killed.

"Young Guns rounds up a posse of attractive young leads, but this cheerfully shallow brat pack ultimately has too much hat and not enough cattle"

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